How was
De Ma Group born ?

37 years of experience and the union of different professionals, have given life to De Ma Group

It all started in the 70s...

... When my dad Claudio, who has always been a salesman, started to be a representative in the timber sector with great success.

So, as you can imagine, my sister and I (yes, she too was a seller), we grew up with a “salesman” father who passed on to both of us this ability to relate to each other better.

But here at the age of 20, my father made me the proposal to go to work with him...
I do not deny that it frightened me a little, since in the meantime I had found the famous "permanent job", when here it was instead a question of starting to work on commissions and then showing on the field what I really was worth.

Now, imagine a 20-year-old young man, in a suit and tie (he is obliged to wear this "working uniform" by my father), first aboard his indestructible Panda 30 and then with the Peugeot 505 inherited from his father (which eat more oil than gasoline), who presented himself with his copy of commissions in front of new customers every day and with the map in hand walking around northern Italy (navigators did not exist yet)...
An unforgettable experience, but there I really cut my teeth and thanks to that, I AM STILL HERE TODAY!

The evolution

In all these many years of work I have always had a fixed point, I did not want to be "one of the many" sales agents, but I wanted to make a difference .
For example, at the beginning of the 2000s (well there were still the Lire!) I was the first trading agency in Italy certified ISO 9001.
While a few years later I created an office-showroom closed to the public, where I could bring together the companies I worked with and my reseller customers in a comfortable and welcoming location.
This space, in addition to demonstrating that even with a medium-small surface (210 square meters), the products could be exhibited at best, wanted to be a concept, a prototype.
I had already realized then that the more tools I gave to resellers to sell and do their job well, the more successful I would be too

From there I had already laid the foundations for what has become De Ma Group today, a point of reference for commercial activities that have to face change and work in this new economic scenario..

In recent years Nadia, as well as a companion in life, helps me with her precision to manage the relationship with companies and with reseller customers


Today De Ma Group is a team of professionals who operate in different fields, but with a common purpose: to help B2C businesses to sell more.
This goal must be achieved by taking into account how you communicate with the customer before they enter the store, what happens inside the store, but above all what happens after, so how to build loyalty and create a relationship with the customer.

But all this cannot be done alone!
In fact, in addition to my strategic vision and the knowledge of the retail sector collected over the years, I have united several people, each with a specific professionalism.
Marketing, communication and public relations, design and preparation of the point of sale, photography and image.

Carlo Loddo is one of these people, now in the De Ma Group team since 2015.
First as an agent in the field, then thanks to his continuous studies in marketing and commercial strategies, he now helps resellers in the growth path we have created.
Indeed, it is from this synergy that Formula Rivendita was born, the first sales system dedicated to commercial activities.